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Play Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot

Next Available Draw:

Draw 10919

Thu, 23 Jan 2025


Current Jackpot:

Over $10 Million*
Rewards available!
Choose a number selection method:
Choose how many numbers:
Play up to 10 random numbers ($2.20 ea)
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Play this Super Jackpot entry in the current draw, multi-draw or subscribe to purchase future entries automatically. You can stop a subscription at any time.

Draw 10919 (Thu, 23 Jan 2025✝︎)


Persons under 18 years of age are prohibited from entering a public lottery. * Jackpot amount advertised may already have been won when your ticket in the Super Jackpot is drawn. ✝ Lucky Lotteries draws are drawn as soon as possible after the last ticket in the draw is sold so the draw schedule may be subject to change.

Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot is a raffle style jackpot game that guarantees over 10,000 prizes in every draw and has a guaranteed 1st prize of $100,000! Unlike other lottery games, each number is unique so there is no sharing of prizes.

Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot has 270,000 numbers in every draw, once all numbers are sold, the winning numbers are drawn using a random number generator.