The Lott starts 2021 helping Very Special Kids with $100,000 donation
A new year, a new community partner!
The Lott is proud to announce a partnership with Victorian charity Very Special Kids.
Very Special Kids play an integral role in caring for children with life-threatening conditions by providing a children’s hospice and professional family support services.
Each year, they help approximately 850 families across Victoria with ongoing support from diagnosis all the way through to recovery and bereavement.
The $100,000 donation from The Lott will ensure families access to support services and appropriate care during their journey.
While a new partnership, our connection with Very Special Kids stems back to the late 1980s when Tatts was one of the major contributors to the building of the Very Special Kids hospice.
Tatts also funded the development of a fundraising campaign called “the Piggy Bank appeal” which featured five giant mobile piggy banks, one of which was named George in honour of Tatts founder George Adams.
To this day, many of our Victorian retailers continue to support Very Special Kids by collecting donations in-store year.
Very Special Kids General Manager of Fundraising and Marketing, Marcia Christmas said, “Thanks to the Lott their donation will allow Very Special Kids to continue to provide essential respite and family support services to families caring for a child with a life threatening condition.”
The Lott Sponsorship and Community Manager Hans de Koning said he was pleased to be able to rekindle the long history with VSK.
“The Very Special Kids incredible work is so important to the children and their families and it’s heart-warming to be involved with this organisation again,” he said.
“They make the toughest days just that little bit easier, and if we can help them in a small way towards their goal of helping 850 families, then we are proud to be part of such an important partnership.”
Contributions such as these are not possible without our customers and retailers.
We're excited to continue to show the real and genuine difference Very Special Kids makes to the Victorian community.
To learn more about how Very Special Kids support children and families, head to their website.