This week’s winners have experienced a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from shock and disorientation to pure joy and excitement. Catch up on all the exhilarating highlights!

Nerang woman scores life-altering $21.1 million Lucky Lotteries payday

A Gold Coast woman is toying with the idea of never working another in her life, with $21.1 million soon to be in her back pocket thanks to Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot.

“I’ve always thought, ‘Maybe one day it would be my turn’ but nothing prepares you for this. This is completely life-changing,” she cheered.

“It’s so hard to believe that I’ve won the Jackpot Prize and will have $21 million in my back pocket.

“I’m meant to be leaving my job in a couple of weeks but now that I think about it, I could just leave tomorrow. I could honestly stop working for good.”

From mistake to miracle! Wrong number choice leads man to Saturday X Lotto win

It’s not something we hear every day, but a Whyalla man has confessed he’s thanking his wrong number selection for his $550,000 Saturday X Lotto win.

“I always use our ages and family birthdays, but I got a few wrong. I’m not sure how but it was a happy accident!” he shared.

“I think I checked the ticket two dozen times. It was 1 am so my wife was asleep, and I just had to sit and wait for her to finally wake up!

“I’ve honestly had no sleep for the last couple of days.

“It’s amazing. It’s going to change our lives.”

Instant adrenaline rush for Coburg man

A Coburg man’s early morning workout took an unexpected turn after discovering his Weekday Windfall ticket made him an overnight millionaire, spiking his heart rate without a single push-up.

“I feel as if I’ve woken up in an unusual dream. It’s a bit surreal,” he laughed.

“It’s unbelievable. I’ll be able to pay off my house and be completely debt-free, which is absolutely amazing to think of at my age.

“I feel a bit disorientated right now.”

Box Hill woman scores Play For Purpose prize worth $250,000

A Box Hill woman has won the latest Play For Purpose First Prize pack and is excited to put her new Volkswagen California Beach into drive. She also looks forward to cashable gold bullion and gift vouchers galore.

“I can barely breathe right now,” she said.

“I have a repeat membership in Play For Purpose draws, always supporting Musculoskeletal Health Australia.  

“It stood out to me when I first bought a ticket as I have arthritis myself and I’ve stuck with them ever since.

“We’re retirees so I think this will be a lovely opportunity to do some travel.”

Who's winning story will we be hearing next week? We can't wait to find out!