G’day mates, Doug here from Set for Life HQ. Can you believe that it’s $20K Day again?! Time flies when you’re having fun!  

A lot of our Set for Life First Prize winners have admitted to me that they count down to the 15th of every month, which is their Set for Life prize payment day, or what we love to refer to as $20K Day. 

Who can blame them? Most of us keep an extra close eye on our bank account when we know we have a payment coming in, but imagine how you’d feel if you were expecting $20,000! 

Here at Set for Life HQ we have the pleasure of giving our First Prize winners $20,000 a month, every month, for 20 years. Since we launched the life-changing game in August 2015 there have been 46 Set for Life First Prize winners across Australia. 

It always brings a smile to my face when I think about the fact that these 46 winners will collectively take home more than $220 million over two decades! 

That’s why when the 15th of every month rolls around, everyone here at HQ gets excited to give our winners another instalment of their prize, and this month is especially important to us. This month, March 2019, we’ve officially cracked $20 million in monthly prize instalments. In fact, today marks the day that we’ve paid $20.56 million to our 46 national First Prize winners.

Three of those winners found out they were Set for Life just last month! When we spoke to the most recent members of our Set for Life family, a Coomera couple, they said they were excitedly planning to live life to the fullest after years of having to work hard and save. 

“We’re feeling very overwhelmed, dumbfounded! We need to let it sink in. I’m going to go collapse on the bed now!” the happy woman declared as we broke the life-changing news. 

That’s why we love Set for Life. It’s the game that keeps on giving. There is no other lottery game quite like it. 

With a chance to become Set for Life every night of the week we’re sure to be speaking to the next member of our Set for Life winning family soon!