A Devonport woman has confessed the money jar she uses to save her Instant Scratch-Its winnings isn’t big enough to hold the $50,000 prize she won on a $4 Big Top Bingo ticket. 

The top prize winning $4 Big Top Bingo Instant Scratch-Its ticket was purchased at Centre Newsagency, Woolworths Arcade, 74 Best Street, Devonport. 

Sharing her joy with us, the happy winner explained her tradition of saving any Instant Scratch-Its prize she won. 

“We’re so happy! When I saw that I had won $50,000 I screamed so loudly. I was jumping up and down on the bed!” she laughed. 

“Whenever my partner gets paid, he buys us $10 worth of scratchies to play. 

“Whatever we win, if it is $5 or $20, I cash it in and put the money in a money jar. 

“My money jar won’t be big enough to fit this win in! 

“We haven’t done anything to celebrate just yet as we are waiting for it to land in the bank account. 

“Once it does though we’re going to take the whole family out for a Chinese dinner as we love Chinese food!” 

When asked how she planned to enjoy her windfall, the thrilled woman declared it would go a long way towards realising her dream of owning her own home. 

“It’s come at the perfect time for us as we are saving for a house!” she revealed. 

“We want to buy a dream home that is big enough for us to have a family. We want a place we can grow old in. 

“We’ve been working really hard towards saving, and it’s funny because I had been really mad at my partner for buying these tickets when we could have put that money towards our house deposit. 

“But then we won, and we are much closer to buying a house! I can’t stay mad at him!” 

Centre Newsagency Devonport owner Gary Marshall said he was thrilled to have sold a top prize winning Instant Scratch-Its ticket. “What great news for our customer!” he exclaimed. 

“We are thrilled to have sold another top prize. 

“A few years back we sold a $200,000 prize, so it’s great to have had another one. 

“We have a lot of regular Instant Scratch-Its players so they will be very happy to hear we are a lucky store. 

“Congratulations to our winner! We wish them all the best!”